
The meek shall inherit the earth, and the dumb will have babies.

Having a baby in a bad relationship, won't make it good. It will only complicate things and make you sorry that you have to bring a child up, when you can't give it the love it needs, due to the fact that your worried about the fathers intentions.
You also can't raise a child, or for that matter be pregnant with one with no money. Babies cost, and insurance for a baby with no prior coverage is going to run you about 800 bucks a month. Hard when you have little or no work, isn't it?
Your not responsible enough to have a baby. You can't handle your own life right now, let alone a childs that will be depending on you for the basic needs of food and water, shelter and clothes. Your fly by night attitude, won't fly in this case.
You are not financially responsible. You can't open a bank account for 5 more years, because of the bouncing checks fiasco. Did you ever pick your liscense up from that gas station that you pumped at and didn't have the money to pay?
You didn't leave NY this stupid. What the hell happend to you? Did the hippy lifestyle you decided to pretend you enjoy finally catch up to you? Or did you smoke some wild root that makes you hallucinate into beliving that your making the right decision? ( your not). You screwed up, you ruined your life. And if I were a good friend, I would NOT pretend that I was happy for you and tell you that I'm going to support you. That would make me a horrible friend, and I refuse to give you an inkling of happiness, that you fucked yourself over, BIG TIME.

I have to go to work now...I'm going to try not to let my disappointment in you ruin my day. Jesus Christ.


Blogger Dan Gould said...

WORD. The truth hurts sometimes. I wanna go cry. It feels like I'm watching a slow motion movie of a car accident. My mouth is trying to yell, but nothing is coming out. Somebody wake me up, or shoot me if I'm awake. Good thing I can't drink right now...

12:17 AM  

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